Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Coming Out

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. I wrote my feelings out last night and my ex messaged me while Ashton was spending the night. I didn't see it until 6am of course or I would have instantly messaged back.. but it's just so crazy that he messages me at the most random times. I knew he had been thinking about me, because I had been thinking about him too. Yesterday, I was talking to one of my friends and I have come to the conclusion that I am polyamorous/polgyamist  which is defined  as: a mating system in which an individual has more than one mate simultaneously that can either be male or female. And I'm also pansexual: not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
 I honestly think this has been the hardest thing to come to terms with.. but when I think about all of the relationships I have been in, I can honestly say that I have never been pleased with just one person. I always seeked more and more and more, even if my partner was giving me as much as they possibly could. I've cheated in all of my relationships, it doesn't matter how much I love/d that person, It still happens and I've come to the conclusion on the fact that I need more than one person. I don't say this as in the fact that I'm not "loyal" or "commited" to my partner, I say it in the means that I just don't work like that. My brain is not happy with being exclusive to one partner. I'm not happy single, and I'm not happy in a monogamous relationship, so I honestly think I need to explore my boundaries and see what will make me happy. I don't know if the bipolar could be playing a roll in this, or maybe it's just my sex drive.. I'm not really sure what is going on with myself. That's why I told Ashton last night that I needed to talk to him about something, but I wanted to wait until we took our trip to Colorado first. I just don't want anything potentially to ruin the relationship with 9 days left before we leave. I want everything to go smoothly. We were fighting all fourth of july weekend, but last night we spent together and we kinda got on eachothers butts a little bit but after it all, we watched a movie and cuddled and made out (and other stuff ;)) and it was an amazing night to get to enjoy the house to ourselves with our little puppy. It was much needed after being apart for almost two weeks. 
Admitting to myself that I am different is such a stressful thing though. I feel like society is going to outcast me for even speaking out loud my thoughts about this idea I have in my head. I just don't know how I'm ever supposed to be truly happy if I can't find a partner who is willing to be open to what I need. I mean.. In theory I think I'd be happy if I could have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I can talk so much easier with girls than guys, but I can love equally both just as much as they need it. And then think about all the threesomes. (Hahaha... not really.. but... yeah.. thats a perk). But at the same time, it's not about sex. It's not about sex at all. I don't want sex from multiple people, I'm not greedy in that way (or am I?) I can be sexually satisified with just one person.. multiple times in a row.. I'm not really sure. That's why I'm afraid to speak these things to others.. Cause how can I explain it properly when I can't even think it out properly? All well. I guess time will tell. Funny how when I was younger, I never thought i'd be interested in girls.. let alone, be interested in dating more than one person at the same time.. BUT If I actually think about it, when I was younger and online dating, I was "dating" more than one person at once and it was so thrilling to me and thats what I enjoyed. I wish I had the chance to even try that, but the town I live in is definitely not accepting of that at all.. my parents wouldn't be accepting and I don't know if I could find a guy who loved me enough to share me. I think that's honestly a lot to ask out of partner and what if he just said yes to make me happy.. but deep down kept his negative thoughts towards it to himself? I don't want to do that. I just want to make other people happy, but if I need something out of a relationship... shouldn't I be able to get it? isn't love about sacrifice sometimes? I've sacrified a lot for all of my relationships.. I think if me and Ashton break up over this, the next person I date, I should be 110% honest with. I have jokingly asked Ashton if he'd let me have a girlfriend and he said yes.. but when I actually explain my real feelings.. I don't know if he would be so quick to say yes anymore.. or he might just think I'm lying to him so I can justify cheating on him or something. Who knows... But wouldn't it be cheating to try and find a second partner in the first place? Or is it all just consensual? I don't really know how this works. Someone help. 

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